
Mujer adelgazó cambiando sus cubiertos

El mundo está conociendo el caso de Mathilde una chica que cambió la costumbre de alimentarse con una cuchara sopera por una cucharita de café y logró bajar más de 60 kilos, increíble.

Mujer adelgazó cambiando sus cubiertosMujer adelgazó cambiando sus cubiertos


TRANSFORMATION . Don’t stop believing in yourself and never quite your journey towards your goals _ I’m so glad that I made the decision back in 2012 that enough is enough ?? You have to start at one point and DONT look back! . You are able to move mountains with the right mindset: Be determent and strong! It’s a long journey and it’s a really tough mental-roller coaster ride ☝?️ It’s really important to keep that in mind! _ From 268lbs (120 kg) to 125lbs (57kg) lost from 2012 to 2015. 100% naturally – no diets, no surgery, no detox bullshit! I had my excess skin removed in 2015 from my stomach, and ONLY my stomach! No liposuction ?? I workout out with a coach and it’s hard work!!! I’ve gained a lot since my operation. I’m 140lbs (66 kg) now ??? Don’t stop yourself and start today . #transformationtuesday#compare#weightlosstransformation

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el

Mathilde Broberg es una modelo danesa de 21 años y se ha hecho famosa al promover un nuevo método de adelgazamiento muy simple: utilizar una cucharita de café para comer. Y es que los resultados saltan a la vista, porque Mathilde, que hace cuatro años pesaba 126 kg, ¡ha conseguido perder más de 60!


Same smile – different feeling behind. Read below ? Of course I was happy before, but not “real” happy. I was insecure and I felt bad about the way I looked _ The left photo shows a girl that really just wanted to be like her other 15 year old friends, run around, act crazy and all that. Things that felt/was impossible for me. It was literally hard as fuck to function as a normal sized teenager when you twice their size. _ Losing weight has given me a second chance in life. Everything is much easier and much more pleasant than it was before. How bad do you want a good life? Where things are easy and you don’t have to overthink every little move you’re making? It IS possible! And trust me; after being overweight/obese my entire life I never thought that I would be able to lose half my bodyweight! It feels absolutely amazing and its without blinking the best decision I’ve ever made. _ I don’t have a recipe or formular on how exactly I did it! No diets, definitely no skinny teas/fat burning pills, no fancy shit: just by eating LESS (It’s so important to understand the importance of this), eating basic healthy and home cooked food AND being (much) more active. You are the ONLY one that can make a change! So whats YOUR excuse? ? It’s your life, and you only have this one! Don’t waste it and don’t ruin it by making excuses. Because there is no excuse for having a good and healthy life! _ #facetoface#beforeandafter

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el

Ella asegura que utilizando una cucharita de café en lugar de una sopera, se puede “engañar” al cerebro, haciéndole creer que se está consumiendo más comida de la que en realidad se toma. Además, esto obliga a comer de forma más lenta, lo que provoca que la sensación de saciedad aparezca antes. Mathilde también comenzó a medir sus porciones de alimentos, asegurándose de que su comida no fuera superior al tamaño de su puño, y redujo su ingesta de hidratos de carbono simples, como los presentes en la bollería y los dulces.


Measurements ?? This is crazy! _ If I can do it so can you! Anything is possible it you want enough – never stop believing in yourself and stay strong. This is a journey that’s been going on since summer, 2012. My weightloss journey ended 2,5 years ago and since that I’ve been working out in the gym minimum 3 times EVERY week. In a period from Fall, 2014 to Summer, 2015 I’ve been eating too healthy (and too little) + worked out 6 times pr week. At that time my measurements were lower than they are now – At 57 kg (125lbs) _ Bust: 79 cm Waist: 60 cm Hip: 80 cm _ I was really skinny at that time but I had loose skin/harsh fat .. I started to eat more (2200kcal) everyday and I’ve been following well organized workout schedules for 1 year now and this is where I am today. Hard work do pay off! _ If you really want to change your life you gotta decide to find the power within you. You are the only one to make it happen. You’re the only one who controls what goes in to your mouth, how long you walk, how much you’re being active. Get control over your brain, because that’s the one you can blame: You’re in control, not your inner-voice! Don’t waist time on the right time to come – there is no perfect time, you just have to start and never look back. It will be tough and it will feel like an endless road, but you will make if you just don’t quit! How much do you want it? _ … Ask yourself _ #determination

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el


Este es un ejemplo de la dieta que siguió:

Desayuno: yogur griego con un plátano
Almuerzo: una manzana
Comida: sopa casera
Merienda: una barrita de proteínas
Cena: una ensalada o verduras a la plancha



Un vídeo publicado por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el

Por supuesto, Mathilde no ha conseguido adelgazar 60 kilos tan sólo cambiando sus hábitos de alimentación, si no que se ha sometido a una reducción de estómago y comenzó a practicar deporte con constancia, entrenando como mínimo 3 veces por semana. Ahora, la joven es modelo de una firma de ropa deportiva, compagina sus estudios con un trabajo como entrenadora personal y asegura que está en el mejor momento de su vida.

Tomado de Enfemenino

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Uriel Ardila

Redactor Vibra.


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